
GWCL clarifies decision to shut operations in Bawku

Source The Ghana Report

The Management of Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) has explained its recent decision to shut down operations in Bawku in the Upper East Region.

GWCL cut the supply to the area and withdrew its staff following the prolonged conflict in the area.

According to the communications manager for the GWL, Stanley Martey, the decision was a difficult one but the prolonged conflict in the area makes it dangerous and impossible for the staff of the company to continue operations, hence the reason to withdraw.

“The Bawku situation started in November 2021 and the situation is such that it has a serious impact on our operations in the area, it has been very difficult getting our staff to work in that situation for the past two years and more.

“Management has impressed the staff to manage the situation, and be there but it is a bit difficult for them to work under conditions where there is sporadic shooting daily. It has been a bit difficult for them to work and they resolved a week ago that they were not going to continue to work in the area,” he said.

Bawku has been in the news for the wrong reasons due to the persistent clashes in the area.

These have put many lives in jeopardy, having already claimed dozens, destroyed property, and disrupted both economic and social activities.

The recent violence had caused the government through the Ministry of Interior, to impose a curfew in the Municipality and nearby towns and villages.

The imposition followed the advice from the Upper East Regional Security Council (RESSEC) after alleged chieftaincy disputes ensued in the Bawku Municipality.

Read also: Bawku Residents Live In Fear As 6 Die In Fresh Shooting

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