
How To Grow Onions From Bulbs At Home

The time is now to grow some scallions from bulbs! I recently planted some onions in my garden and took some photos with my phone in the process. Growing onions at home is quite easy and here I want to share with you how to grow onions from bulbs in pots! That’s right it works even when you don’t have a backyard and can only grow vegetables in pots.

  1. Fill a pot to 2/3 with compost or soil suitable for growing green onions.
  2. Plant small onion bulbs about 2/3 inch (2 cm) into the soil.
  3. Make sure to space out your onion bulbs, so that they have room to grow. Leave about 1-2 inches or 3-5 cm distance between the onion bulbs.
  4. Cover the onion bulbs with soil, then water to cover the soil everywhere.
  5. Grow your onions at mild temperature – between 50-77F or 10-25C in a sunny spot at home. Keep in mind to keep the soil moist most of the time to speed up and enhance the growing process.
  6. Harvest your scallions at max 10 inches or 25 cm tall.
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