
I don’t ditch friends in hard times; not my style – Jon Germain

Source classfmonline.com

Ghanaian radio personality, singer and songwriter Jon Germain has said he is not the kind of person who abandons friends during stormy and torrid times.

Jon Germain was speaking in an interview with an Accra based radio on Thursday, 26 August 2019.

Explaining his decision to still stay loyal to the EIB Group despite the exodus of a lot of the media conglomerate’s staff in recent times, Jon Germain told show host Prince Benjamin (PB) that: “I’m not the kind of person who abandons friends when they’re going through hard times; I don’t do that, I don’t do that. When it was all great, I’m there; when it’s not great, I’m there. That’s me”.

“Listen, whoever wanted to leave, I understand them; people have to eat. Family, you need to pay your bills and all that. It’s really tough but that’s me; I’m not the kind of person who abandons you because you’re going through hard times. I’ve known Bola Ray [Group CEO of EIB] for a very very long time.

“I jump ship when things are going bad? That’s not me. I don’t do that. Like I said, they have to eat, they have families. Maybe I have other ways of staying afloat, not drowning. Maybe, they don’t; that’s the thing you know. I had to. I don’t want to look at myself years from now and say: ‘Well, when the station started, when EIB started and everything was great, I was with friends and you know when things got bad, I decided to leave. I can’t do that. Unless it got to a stage that I couldn’t really take it and it never really got there for me”, he said.

“First of all, I’m not the kind of person who abandons people when they’re in trouble or abandons friends when they’re going through hard times. I don’t do that and I wasn’t going to do that”, Jon Germain stressed.

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