
I would step aside if I were the Attorney-General – Bobby Banson

Source The Ghana Report

The lead consultant for the Robert Smith Law Group, Bobby Banson, has advised the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, to step down from the role amidst growing controversy over allegations of witness tampering.

This follows allegations made by the third accused person, Richard Jakpa, that the Attorney-General had repeatedly sought his assistance to implicate the first accused and Minority Leader, Dr Cassiel Ato Forson, in the ongoing ambulance purchase trial.

At a press conference in Accra on Tuesday, the National Democratic Congress released a 16-minute audio recording as evidence supporting Mr Jakpa’s claims in the ambulance case against the Minority Leader.

The party said the audio is the first of many such evidence they would release.

READ ALSO: Ambulance Case: We Have More ‘Damning’ Recordings On Dame – NDC

Reacting to this, Mr Banson said if he were in the Attorney-General’s position, he would have resigned to preserve the credibility of the office.

“If I were him, I would step aside. You know you are dealing with a situation where somebody you are cross-examining in a very highly sensitive case involving a politically exposed person says that you have attempted to influence the nature of my evidence. That is some wild allegation, and so if it is made, and it is prima facie evidence of a recording, you would clear yourself.

He added, “Because the Attorney-General remains the adviser to the government in all legal matters. If you are setting up a commission of inquiry, will the president require an opinion from the Attorney General’s Office? What would I do in that capacity? If it is the General Legal Council, is the Attorney General represented in the General Legal Council?

“Would there be conflict? So, I would step aside and allow this investigation mechanism to go through. At the end of the day, his career was there before this office. So, if there is anything that would threaten his career, which the NDC and other members are making calls for, I think it is a very serious allegation that he would need his name cleared,” he noted.

Dr. Forson is currently facing legal action from the state for his alleged involvement in the procurement of defective ambulances for Ghana.

He has been accused of causing financial loss to the state to the tune of €2.4 million.

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