
I’ll Win NDC Chairmanship Race Hands Down – Ofosu Ampofo Tells Asiedu Nketia

Source The Ghana Report

The National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Ofosu Ampofo says he will emerge victorious in the upcoming national elections to retain his position.

Facing stiff competition from General Secretary Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the National Chairman says he is optimistic about beating his contender hands down in the polls.

He is thus, urging Asiedu Nketia to withdraw from the contest or suffer a humiliating defeat.

Addressing the media in Koforidua in the Eastern Region over the weekend, Mr. Ofosu Ampofo called on the delegates to vote massively for him to lead the NDC to power come the 2024 general elections.

“If they have nothing to say, they should throw in the towel and withdraw from the race because I want to assure you that I will win this election and I will win it hands down, and I will lead the NDC to power,” he said.

He also pledged to support former President John Dramani Mahama should he decide to lead the party into the 2024 general elections.

“I have been loyal to former President Mahama and continue to be loyal to him, and I want to state that, if our delegates endorse him or vote for him, which I know is a possibility and likely scenario, I will give him my 200% support.

“I will work for him 24 hours to ensure that he wins the next elections and form the next government to bring the policies to rescue this country into reality,” he said.

The NDC is preparing to elect its new executives to wrestle power from the ruling NPP on December 17, 2022.

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