
Import restrictions bill will hamper Ghana’s trade relations – Haruna Iddrisu

Source The Ghana Report

The member of parliament for the Tamale South constituency, Haruna Iddrisu, has expressed concerns over the potential negative impact of the import restriction bill on Ghana’s trade relations with other countries.

The Legislative Instrument (LI) on the Export and Import Regulations, 2023,  if passed, will restrict the importation of 22 products in the country.

Contributing to the ongoing debate on the import restriction bill yet to be laid in parliament, the former trade minister said “Mr. Speaker, my final caution as former minister of trade and industry is you may by this legislation be inviting retaliatory measures from other countries. Other countries may decide that you have said okay I am restricting the import of rice and sugar so we will restrict the import of your processed okra into our trade regime. That will have consequences on the very balance of payment and export regime you want to regulate. Particularly, the euro.”

Mr. Iddrisu urged the government to carefully consider the potential ramifications of such a measure, particularly in terms of maintaining positive trade relations with Ghana’s partners.

The Minister for Trade and Industry, K. T. Hammond is seeking to pass an (L.I) to restrict the importation of some strategic products.

The 22 items considered for import restrictions are Rice, Guts – bladders and stomachs of animals (offal), Poultry, Animal and vegetable oil, Margarine, Fruit juices, Soft drinks, Mineral water, Noodles and pasta, Ceramic tiles, Corrugated paper and paper board, Mosquito coil and insecticides, Soaps and detergents, Motor cars, Iron and steel, Cement, Polymers (Plastics and Plastic Products), Fish, Sugar, Clothing and apparel, Biscuits, and Canned tomatoes.

The legislative instrument has suffered several setbacks already as the Minority had kicked against the laying of the bill in Parliament.

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