
Kalpohin SHS housemaster hot over negligence resulting in student’s death

Source The Ghana Report

The Senior Housemaster of Kalpohin Senior High School in the Sagnarigu district of Tamale has been reported to the Northern Regional Police Command for negligence, resulting in the death of a student.

The 17-year-old student, who tragically passed away on Sunday, February 18, 2024 night was being sent to the hospital by his friends after obtaining an exeat signed by the senior housemaster for medical attention.

According to a resident, Moses Baffoe, who witnessed the sick student vomiting at the school’s entrance while on his way home, he made two unsuccessful attempts to get the attention of the senior housemaster to address the situation.

Upon the third attempt, the housemaster finally came to the school’s entrance, but by then, the student had already been taken to the Tamale Teaching Hospital by his friends for medical attention.

Subsequently, Mr. Baffoe reported the senior housemaster to the police for negligence, upon learning that the student had lost his life before reaching the hospital.

According to a teacher at the school, the school’s administration is still investigating the circumstances that led to the death of the student.

Negligence in senior high schools is becoming characteristic of recent times.

On Monday, February 5, 2024, a first-year student at Aburi Girls Senior High School (SHS) in the Eastern Region allegedly passed away due to medical negligence.

It is alleged that the student was denied medical attention by the school nurse, who reportedly accused her of repeatedly feigning illness.

When reality dawned on authorities and they rushed the girl to the hospital, she had already passed away.

The deceased student’s body was deposited at the Tetteh Quarshie Memorial Hospital pending autopsy.

Also on February 12, 2024, it was reported that the parents of a 19-year-old student of Akim Swedru Senior High School (AKISS) have blamed the school for the death of their son.

According to the parents, the school authorities refused to grant their son, Kester Vadje permission to go to the hospital when he complained of ill health.

The student reportedly went to the housemaster and requested an exeat since he was ill.

However, the housemaster told him he did not look like a sick person and denied him the exeat.

After several failed attempts to get the exeat, he called his father, who went to the school to get him.

The father rushed Kester to the hospital but the facility could not treat him.

Medical officers transferred him to the Akwatia St. Dominic Hospital.

He, however, died some hours after he was admitted to the facility.

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