
Korle Klottey Assembly set to remove structures on waterways

Source The Ghana Report

The Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly (KoKMA) will soon desilt drains and demolish structures blocking waterways within the municipality as the rains set in.

The assembly contends that several individuals in the municipality have built-in unauthorized places.

This comes on the back of continuous flooding witnessed in the municipality anytime there is a downpour.

According to the Municipal Chief Executive for KoKMA, Samuel Nii Adjei Tawiah, all buildings on waterways will be removed.

He urged citizens to be receptive in the event of such demolition exercises and to also join in the drainage exercises.

“For demolition exercises, as recent as last week, we dealt with something similar in Asylum Down. Sometimes, people don’t appreciate it because as far as they are concerned, it’s a neighbour living in those kiosks and unauthorized structures, and they don’t see why we should come in to destroy them. However, prevention is better than cure,” Mr Tawiah said on Citi News.

Mr. Tawiah also commended citizens who undertake personal clean-up exercises, as he promised consistent support for their plans.

“Oftentimes, people come to the assembly for tools, and we give them that support and in some cases for the collection of the rubbish that they’ve been able to remove from the drains. We give them that support, and we will continue to support the community.”

The Assembly has recently undertaken such demolition exercises, particularly, in flood-prone areas to avoid floods despite the disapproval of affected victims.

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