
Kotoka International Airport to screen passengers from China as deadly coronavirus spreads

Source The Ghana Report|Gloria KAFUI Ahiable

The Ministry of Health has assured Ghanaians that the necessary steps are in place, including screening passengers from China to avert the possible spread of Coronavirus in the country.

Health Authorities in China confirmed the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus in December 2019 after a series of reported cases of pneumonia.

China’s authorities confirmed that so far nine persons have died following the outbreak of a new virus.

Some 440 cases of the said virus have been recorded in China with the virus spreading through Thailand, South Korea, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates.

Following the quick outbreak of the dangerous Coronavirus in China, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has called on countries to strengthen the prevention and control measures to avert any possible danger.

The Health Minister, Kwaku Agymeman-Manu in a signed statement confirmed the outbreak of the disease in Wuhan Province in China.

Mr Agymeman-Manu explained, “The outbreak was linked to a local animal market (spread from animals to humans) but has also been found to spread from one person to the other.”

“It can be spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes on another person. The disease is characterized by fever, cough, and difficulties in breathing, ” he added.

In assuring and protecting the general public, the sector minister in the statement announced the various measures put the ministry has in place.

“Alert message sent to all regions in Ghana on the outbreak in addition
to guidance information on the disease and enhanced surveillance at points of entry especially the Kotoka International Airport, ” the statement added.

Meanwhile, the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research has been directed to do the necessary laboratory testing.

Passengers from China will also have to undergo enhanced screening procedures including the administration of health questionnaire.

Preventive Measures

The general public has been advised to adhere to the following measures:

  1. Regular washing of hands with soap and water.
  2. Hand rubbing with alcohol is also advised where available.
  3. Keep a distance at least one step (one meter) from a person shows signs of fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing.
  4. If contact with a sick person or with potentially infected surfaces or objects occurs, those involved must not touch their eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
  5. It is advisable to be physically active, drink plenty of fluids, eat well, reduce stress and have enough sleep.
  6. People should seek treatment immediately if infection us suspected, if symptoms occur or when advised by a health worker.
  7. We hereby ask the general public and all stakeholders to support in efforts at preventing 2019-nCoV in Ghana.
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