
Man shot dead at Mallam

Source The Ghana Report

A man identified as Kwasi Amankwaa, popularly known as Rasta, has been shot dead by an unknown assailant at Mallam Kokroko in the Greater Accra region.

The incident happened on Thursday, February 8, 2024.

The deceased is reported to be a hotel owner at Mallam.

According to an eyewitness, he heard the assailant telling the deceased, “If you move, I will shoot.”

He added that, when they rushed to the scene, Mr. Amankwaa had been shot and the gunman had fled the scene.

According to some residents, they suspect a Canadian woman who had been fighting the deceased in court over the ownership of the hotel.

As of the time of this report, the police had yet to arrive on the scene.

Recent Shooting incidents

On January 29, 2024, it was reported that a 27-year-old musician, Zumankyere Amos, popularly known as Skelenzy, died from fatal injuries three weeks after he was “mistakenly” shot by the police at Wa in the Upper West Region.

Also, on January 29, 2024,  it was reported that a 27-year-old popular illegal mining (galamsey) site foreman was shot dead while returning from a site at Wassa Wantram near Wassa Akropong in the Wassa Akropong Municipality of the Western Region.

While returning home with four of his workers, Bernard Nti was attacked and shot by unknown persons suspected of being armed robbers.

Again, on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, a deputy registrar of the Bolgatanga Technical University (BTU) was shot dead by unknown gunmen.

Alhassan Azumah was reportedly shot outside his residence in Sokabisi, a suburb of the Bolgatanga Upper East Region.

On January 16, 2024, it was reported that one person had been shot dead in a robbery attack in Saboba, in the Northern Region.

Information gathered indicates that the deceased was shot when he entered a scuffle involving his brother, a businessman at the Saboba market, and some robbers.

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