
Manasseh Azure writes: What Paul Adom Otchere did to me — a $100,000 lie

Paul Adom Otchere is trending again. Some people are upset at his treatment of the MP for Klottey Korle Constituency, Dr. Zanetor Rawlings, on his show yesterday. I have endured crucifixion on that show a number of times. I have not uttered a word in response to the insults and attacks and lies.

My Facebook friend, Maazi Okoro has posted on Zanetor’s. He says some of those complaining today rejoiced when Paul held similar shows and attacked me (Manasseh) because it was against someone they hated. His post reminds me of the question people often ask me, “Manasseh, what have you done to Paul Adom Otchere?”

The answer rather is what Paul Adom Otchere has done to me, even before he hosted those shows to attack me. Like many others, I have ignored in order to focus on my job. But our elders were right when they said he who is slow to accuse the thief on his farm would find the intruder rather calling the farm owner a thief.

In November 2016, I went to work and was greeted with one of the biggest shocks of my life. I had got leaked cabinet documents on the youth employment contract with Zoomlion. In 2013, I had investigated Zoomlion, rLG and other companies that were fleecing that entity meant to create opportunities for the youth. The cabinet memo was about the intended payment of 448 million Ghana cedis to Zoomlion for a contract that did not exist.

The NPP had held a press conference on the contract, saying it was fraudulent. I was interested in the story so I followed up to one of my NPP friends and got the original cabinet documents and ran my own checks. They were authentic.

I did a short piece for news and discussed with one of the producers of one of the radio shows and it was agreed that we would do the story extensively on the show, since I had a lot of background to it. On two occasions however, the discussion of the story on the show was postponed without any tangible reason. Then on the third day, while I was expressing my frustration, a member of the production team whispered something to me that got me upset.

This person said one of the team members had told them to be careful with the story I was pushing. The person said I had a personal vendetta against Zoomlion because I had gone to demand $100,000 from the company and they denied me. There was evidence of my demand and the refusal, this person told them.

I am human and have my own shortcomings, but if there’s one thing I can swear under any deity without blinking, then it is the fact that I have never demanded, discussed or accepted money not to do a story. So this allegation got me upset, especially when it was from one of my colleagues and he spread it without even asking me.

I called Robert Coleman, who was the communications manager for Zoomlion, and who had a relationship with some of my colleagues. He was the person I suspected should know about it if any such thing was discussed at the company. He told me no such information had come from the company and that they knew nothing about it.

When I confronted the person at Joy FM who had told his colleagues this allegation, he said it was Paul Adom Otchere who gave him that information.

I called Paul Adom Otchere. He said he had sent my colleague a WhatsApp message to that effect, but he did not mention a figure. He was surprised where the $100,000 came from.

I asked him to send me a screenshot of the message he had sent to my colleague, but till date, Paul has not sent it. We had exchanges on WhatsApp for over a month but he did not send it.

I contacted my work colleague who had spread Paul’s allegation and requested to see the message Paul had sent. He was taking breakfast so he said when he finished eating, he would forward it to me.

He later said that phone was home so he would send the message to me when he got home that evening. When I called him in the evening, he said he had changed his SIM card so that WhatsApp message was missing.

I requested a meeting between Paul, my colleague and whoever Paul said had given him the information from Zoomlion, so I could at least know where the fabrication came from, but nobody minded me.

On WhatsApp, where we had exchanges, Paul would not send me the message he said he had sent to my colleague. He said he had called my colleague at Joy FM and he denied putting a figure to the message he (Paul) sent to him (my work colleague).

Paul said he had also spoken to his friends at Zoomlion and they had denied my claim that a figure was mentioned. It was not my claim, but what the person who broke the news to me said. I told him that even if he had said I had demanded one cedi, it was bad enough because it was a lie and a total fabrication.

At 9:08a.m. on December 14, 2016, Paul Adom Otchere sent me a message on WhatApp when I insisted on the message he had sent to my colleague. His message partly reads: “And I have just reached Coleman…he has also denied your claims [about the figure] … he says you essentially you asked for a meeting which offer they turned down.”

Each time I published an investigation about Zoomlion, I always reached out to them for a response and my requests have always been in writing. And apart from the 2013 written respond I got from the company on GYEEDA, the company has always refused to respond to me. When I’m doing a follow up story, however, I call to say this is what I’m about to publish and I want to know what you have to say.

On this story, I called on the phone and asked for their response to the issues in the cabinet memos, but they declined to comment. Even if I ask for a meeting and they turned down as Paul said, how does that amount to a demand of $100,000 dollars?

Paul Adom Otchere did not apologise. Neither did my colleague at work. My colleague was upset that those he relayed Paul’s allegation to at the station told me about it.

I found it serious because if Paul could come to my media house with such lies, what could he not tell those within his circles? If I wanted to take any legal action against Paul, I could not leave out the one who passed on the lie to others. Besides, I had heard many such lies and did not want to be distracted.

I had evidence of all the encounters as I sought the truth. I could have confronted Paul the same way Nii Arday Clegg confronted him and got him (Paul Adom Otchere) to say on live radio that what he had said about Nii Arday Clerg was a lie. But I ignored him. He, however, did not just let me, his victim, be.

Since then, Paul Adom Otchere has used his show to attack me and called me names and told the world how unethical I am. In one of the episodes, he relied on the GJA Press Statement which attacked my “Robbing the Assemblies” documentary on Waste Bins and other contracts. They could not say a single thing that was wrong with the story.

The waste bins contract was cancelled and it saved us more than 330 Million Cedis.

To those who keep asking what I have done to Paul Adom Otchere, this is what happened before he started his attacks. It is the most memorable encounter with him.

Maazi Okoro has a point. An action should not only be seen as right or wrong depending on who the victim is.

  1. Anonymous says

    When you listen to the Clark audio, you wonder why any human being will just come up with a lie on national radio. It beats my mind. Can’t Paul build some sense of credibility for himself? There may be more people he has hurt who may be quiet. He thought he was attacking the MP, look at the negative exposure it is giving him. Time for him to re-evaluate his ways less he ‘dies by his own sword’. What a shame.

  2. tetteh akwetey says

    God has fought for you.

  3. Ŋutifafa Kristo Kofi says

    A dog owner who refuses to tame his dog finds it biting him once it grows canines and is opportuned.-Ŋutifafa Kristo Kofi

    Paul Adom Otchere is just a political vulture feeding on unsuspecting victims. Let’s not forget he is a government appointee on the NCA Board in Akufo Addo’s government.

    1. Anonymous says

      Speechless…i thought paul was credible.so shameful

      1. Anonymous says


        1. Anonymous says

          Total shame to the ethics of journalism. Paul Adom Otchere has lost all credibility. Well, perhaps he is a presenter or MC and not a journalist.

      2. Gabby says

        You thought wrong. If you’re a fervent follower of his show, you did judge from his utterance and the mindset experience he shares. Without an apology and doubt he has a strong political support and backing which I think is normal but makes it too evident as much as he tries hard to cover it. Ghanaian are discerning and can read between fair and transparent journalism.

    2. Anonymous says

      The moment you bring in politics, your argument become lame. What has the president got to do with Paul and his utterances? It’s people like you who make the essence of every issue get missing because of your political bias.

  4. Anonymous says

    Do people believe in God’s expeditious judgement? They should read Ecclesiastes very well.

  5. Kojo says

    Paul is indeed evil!

  6. Airbender says

    The cheapest host or so called journalist in this country is Paul Adom Ochere and that guy who entertains Kennedy Agyapong on Net 2 Tv. If I were to be him I will lock myself down in shame. It’s just ugly.

  7. Chief Be-Awuribe says

    He’s the most corrupt journalist and a certified liar as hes own admission on Nii
    Arday clergg shows

    1. Mia says

      Paul is just a representation of all the praise singers we call journalists

  8. Botha says

    A fly that refuse advise, follows the corpse into the grave

  9. Yussif says

    I’m disappointed in Paul, he is following his stomach.

    1. Ben. says

      Brother Manasseh, pls keep up the good works you are doing. Continue making people see your good works and they will give your Father in Heaven praise, to paraphrase the Good Book. May the Good Lord continue to protect you bro. 🙏

  10. Anonymous says

    Anybody can accuse Manaseh on anything but not bribes. I am a witness to his(Manaseh’s) commitment to what he does, he is such a patriot and an embodiment of what he does. Real passion to his job and humanity. When i set out to seek justice for my late wife, a ‘reputable’
    Media’s house held my story hostage for 5 months but never aired the story, finally, the journalist who handled the story resigned suddenly and left with my story. Somebody after listening to my story and knowing that my persuit was for public good decided to link me to Manaseh. One week after speaking to Manaseh, the story is published. He did not even see me but with the story and narration, he caused the story published. Neither him, nor any of his crew asked me for a dime. In fact i am yet to meet him.
    It is instructive to note that the day Manaseh did the interview with me was the same day the earlier media house invited me for the second interview because according to them since the first journalist resigned it means everything the said journalists did was null and void so they assigned another journalist to it. After having the interview with both of them on the same date, Manaseh published his story within a week. Ironically, the first media house is yet to even call me to say they are not interested in the story or otherwise. They left me in suspense till date.
    Posterity is Manaseh’s witness, he will continue to walk and work in the midst of lions and none will hurt him because he has made truth his dwelling. Any attempt by some fashion-oriented journalist to foil his efforts will not stand.
    Whilst i continue to fight for justice for my late wife, I pray that the good Lord protect and keep you@ManasehAzureAwuni.


      Thank you for your labour for Ghana. We are all praying for your that the mighty hand of the Lord will forever protect you and make you prosperous spiritually, financially and health wise.
      As for the so-called journalists who are self-centered and are only seeking for ‘profit’ and not the public good, only God will judge them. The politicians and others in leadership position who are only thinking of seeking power or retaining power to continue the loot and share, God will deal with them mercilessly.
      Ghana needs patriotic citizens who will rise up Nehemiah and build this nation in truth and sincerity. God bless and heal our homeland Ghana

  11. Anonymous says

    Paul has lost credibility. He is an epitome of stomach journalism. He is politically intoxicated and has no regard of ethics. The likes of him should be ignored.

  12. Anonymous says

    His time will come.

  13. Anonymous says

    The Manaseh I know some years back at JSS is the same man I met some years back in Accra. He would dare no bribe at anytime.

  14. Anonymous says

    Ooo so sorry Mr. Azure that Paul Adom Okyere did not tell you who had told him that you had collected a bribe.
    Did the Honourable Dr. Zanetor tell us who had told her that food were being given to people who had party cards?
    Mr Adom Okyere got it wrong and so did Dr. Zanetor.

    1. Anonymous says

      But Zanetor made herself ready to assist in any investigation that will be instituted on the matter. Paul was invited for a meeting to provide the evidence but he failed to attend. That is the difference

  15. Anonymous says

    Speechless…i thought paul was credible.so shameful

    1. Anonymous says

      You are the same. What wrong did Paul do? Saying the trueth about Dr zanetor for paddling lies is Paul’s crimes?

      1. Anonymous says

        How did you come to the conclusion that it is a lie when no investigation has been conducted? As for Paul it is all about stomach first. He started this behaviour way back in the Vandal city.
        Because of common beans and gari, Paul would go and lie about his colleagues to the beans seller just to win the favour of the beans seller for free beans.

        1. Anonymous says


        2. Anonymous says

          😅😅😅😅 I remember this Paul guy at Legon paaa. He had a very devious character. Do u remember his “I am not a common student” statement which led to him losing the SRC elections? Cheep political foot soldier chaiii

  16. Anthony Nii Adjetey Adjei says

    We must wake up to the happenings on our media landscape. The “Agenda Media” is drowning the right thinking ones especially the investigative ones. We don’t build a country with this kind of things.

  17. Jojo A. says

    Paul Adom-Otchere’s conduct now as a journalist is shameful and must be utterly condemned. Sadly, people like him have access to big media platforms, through which they continually spew concorted untruths aimed at destroying hardworking and decent Ghanaians.

  18. Idriss Abdul Hameed says

    Azure, keep up the good work. Allah is with you

  19. Summer boy says

    I don’t blame Paul and his likes stomach -direction political hypocrites called journalists because we have a government in place who will do everything to destroy anybody who stands up to speak the truth. GOD bless Mannaseh.

  20. Anonymous says

    Kudos Manessah! Continue to fight for us all! God Bless You!

  21. Ibrahim says

    Hmmmmm, I never knew this is how he was. Paul kind of journalism is vee very disappointing, he follows his stomach.

  22. Anonymous says

    Paul’s conduct is very pathetic.

  23. Kofi Sinbad says

    What Zanetor did was awful. She lied. And Paul did nothing wrong by calling her out. You bringing in your case now is just cheap. Where is the correlation here?

  24. Anonymous says

    For me he lost everyone bit of of credibility when in the saga of Pious Agyeman

  25. Kofi Thompson says

    Humble advice to Manasseh Azure from a old fool who never sold his conscience whiles active in the media landscape: You have secured your place in the Pantheon of patriotic Ghanaian journalists who truly loves Mother Ghana – and fight those gang-raping her,

    Please don’t waste your energies on those who have no conscience and are constantly seeking opportunities to make money at the expense of truth, fairness and justice. Focus on your work for your country and it’s hapless people. And above all, always remember that the judgement of history cannot be procured by influence peddling and assists from those in power to chop Ghana small. Who born dog?

  26. Kofi Thompson says

    Humble advice to Manasseh Azure from a old fool who never sold his conscience whiles active in the media landscape: You have secured your place in the Pantheon of patriotic Ghanaian journalists who truly love Mother Ghana – and fight those gang-raping her,

    Please don’t waste your energies on those who have no conscience and are constantly seeking opportunities to make money at the expense of truth, fairness and justice. Focus on your work for your country and it’s hapless people. And above all, always remember that the judgement of history cannot be procured by influence peddling and assists from those in power to chop Ghana small. Who born dog?

  27. Kwesi says

    Paul is gradually digging a grave he will perfectly fit into. An excuse of a journalist….. Shame on you

    1. Anonymous says

      Manasseh, kudos and as journalist I am sure you remember the speech by one American journalist about how journalists are jumping jacks, how they destroy the truth. Once your conscience is clear you will be happy. Keep up the good work.

  28. Anonymous says

    What is so shameful about what Paul said …..the truth they say is painful……Zenator shd have known better….Havent we see ndc Van’s branded in covid 19 colours sharing food?Are they sharing to ndc faithfuls only?She is the sitting mp and could have used several ways to resolve this petty issue…
    Did she really say in a press release that social media was her evidence of claim ?aaabaaaaaaa Ghanaians come on ,we are above this ………………If we continue to think party politicking is the surest way to see resolve issues then this our beloved country will continue to be so.
    @manasseh, dont always think because u can talk that makes u right in all issues .

  29. Kwasi Sid says

    If Manasseh’s colleague who got the WhatsApp from Paul show it to him?
    Nii Ardey was bitter not because Paul had lied but that he was not mentioned as best Morning Show host.
    Paul’s attack on Zanetor was unnecessary but it’s not time to nail and try to shame him.

  30. Kwasi Sid says

    Did Manasseh’s colleague who got the WhatsApp from Paul show it to him?
    Nii Ardey was bitter not because Paul had lied but that he was not mentioned as best Morning Show host.
    Paul’s attack on Zanetor was unnecessary but it’s not time to nail and try to shame him.

    1. Anonymous says

      Keep quiet if you don’t have anything to say

  31. Anonymous says

    I knew it! Paul’s attacks on your person and work was questionable from day one, especially with matters related to Zoomlion boss. What a shame!

  32. Alhaji Big Adams says

    Paul come on now ! Don’t be a snitch! Country of 30million your behind can be fish out easily if you continue to snitch on others bro and remember snitches get stitches”boy

  33. Sani Ibrahim says

    Paul is an epitome of lies and dishonest, I wonder how such a character is on NCA board,, this is a lotoruse liar……

    1. Sani Ibrahim says

      This guy Paul is a lotoruse liar……

  34. Ayalogu says

    I have never trusted Paul Adom Octhere. I remember in the year 2011/2012 when authorities of UG wanted to convert commonwealth hall into a mixed hall.The JCR executive had an interview on his show concerning the students grievances,Paul knowing how vociferous Vandals are cancelled the meeting at the last hour.It was revealed that he is married to the daughter of Prof. Yankah who was a member of the university of Ghana council. Paul Adom Otchere’s diabolical nature is indelible. Posterity waits you Paul.

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