
Massive Blockage On Accra-Kumasi Highway

Source The Ghana Report

A long trailer fully loaded with goods has broken down and positioned in the wrong way a few metres from Oframase. The location is no other than the busy highway linking the two largest cities with high volumes of traffic.

The broken down truck with GT 686-14 on its number plate lies across the road with just a little and uncomfortable space on one of the laterals of the road where vehicles clogged up are wriggling out of the mess.

Long passenger buses are the ones looking most endangered as their trunks sway to one side in dangerous steering.

A state convoy led by police motor riders also screeched to a halt at the blockage, this time their sirens could not clear their path.

However, the itinerant police presence brought some relief to stranded motorists who are hoping they will wire relevant agencies to move quickly in, and tow the broken down vehicle.

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