
Much Ado About A Documentary

There have been as many commentaries or even reviews about Anas’ ‘Galamsey Economy’ documentary as were the many who lined up to watch what before watching it, strongly believed was going to negatively impact the government.

Coming at a time when mendacious politicking is in vogue in the country, many expected a bombshell.

Some were even not charitable with their expectations. Such persons claimed that the government would fall as a result of the revelations from the so-called documentary. Even some NPP supporters were jittery, not knowing what was going to come out of the episode. Their fears were soon going to be allayed anyway.

For some, what they watched did not pass for a documentary but rather a video which prompted questions about the real motives of those behind the project.

There was no doubt that the NDC stood by in anticipation of a knockout blow to the NPP. They held their breath but when the curtains were drawn over the episode, they had nothing to hold on to and like other Ghanaians, they could only whinge in disappointment.

The heading of the episode ‘Galamsey Economy’ was captivating hence the queue of curious persons at the façade of the venue of the premier.

It was like Ghana in the glorious days of cinema. The showing of ‘The Seven Gladiators’ at Opera Cinema comes to mind for the oldies.

With so much being bandied about regarding those behind illegal mining called galamsey, the documentary was going to afford the politically inclined the opportunity to join others to not only listen to the names of ‘big men’ engaged in illegal mining but see them cutting deals with Mongoloid businessman.

Perhaps we should henceforth be measured in our expectations and avoid making heroes of persons because of what they claim they are.

Some of us, after all, are not the angels we claim to be. Just why Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia’s name popped up in the documentary that never was, is another issue worthy of dissection.

The subject failed to inflict a wound on the impeccable image of the Vice President. The Number Two Gentleman has rather become a recipient of enviable testimonials from unexpected quarters.

For those who are crying loud for being shortchanged, the bombshell they expected not coming, let them not cry but learn to read between the lines and to appreciate the fact that the world is full of ironies and intrigues.

Fingers crossed for the next episode.

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