
My Gov’t Will Only Develop Communities That Co-Exist In Peace – Akufo-Addo

Source The Ghana Report

President Nana Akufo-Addo has called on traditional leaders in the Upper East Region to foster peace to ensure development in their communities.

The president said his government would only work to develop communities that nurture peace amongst their people.

He revealed this at the annual Feok Festival celebrated by the people of Sandema and its environs in the Builsa North District.

He praised the Paramount Chief of the Sandema Traditional Area, Nab Azagsuk Azantinlo II, for maintaining peace and unity in the area for years and encouraged him to do more for growth.

He stressed that peace is key to development. Hence, his government expects other communities, districts, and regions to emulate the same.

This comes after the renewed conflict between the Kusasis and Mamprusis in Bawku in the same region.

Seven people were reportedly killed on Sunday, while others sustained various degrees of injury in the clash at Bawku.

It was reported that the violence erupted after the alleged killing of an old man and his son at Natinga on Saturday, December 17, 2022.

This led to sporadic shooting within the Bawku township leading to casualties.

The Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCO) also cut its power supply after gunmen destroyed a power utility infrastructure in the town.

The Bawku township and its neighbouring communities were immediately plunged into darkness.

Security and defence forces have restored calm and are currently on patrols to ensure peace.

Bawku township has for months now experienced renewed curfews imposed by the government due to a resurgence in its intermittent conflict since November 2021.

The Upper East Regional Security Council further banned the wearing of smocks, riding on motorbikes, and operating tricycles in the community.

In October 2022, the Regional and District Security Councils (REGSEC) temporarily lifted the ban on the operations of tricycles after residents continuously lamented the lack of transportation to workplaces.


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