
My mum filled the void left by my dad – Rawlings

Former President Jerry John Rawlings believes his mother was the pillar in his life, that overshadowed the absence of his father.

Eulogising Madam Victoria Agbotui, the former military leader said “she is everything” to him.

Madam Agbotui passed away at her home on Thursday, September 24, 2020.

Madam Victoria Agbotui
Madam Victoria Agbotui

She was born at Dzelukope, a coastal town near Keta, in the Volta Region and died at age 101.

In a recap of an interview by former President Rawlings with Kwaku Sakyi-Addo (KSA), Mr Rawlings recounts the impact of his mother on his life.

The interview was aired in July but little did Mr Rawlings know that his beloved mother would be snatched by death a few months after.


The Office of His Excellency Jerry John Rawlings, Togbi Agbesi Awusu II, Awadada of the Anlo…

Posted by Jerry John Rawlings on Friday, September 25, 2020

According to Mr Rawlings, who ruled Ghana from December 31, 1981, to January 7, 2001, politics was never on the discussion table with Madam Agbotui during his time with her.

“No! we didn’t discuss politics in any way but I think she always knew that I was unhappy about the way things were going in the country. I don’t think she thought I would go that far, actually,” he said.

Mr Rawlings’ father, James Ramsey John, was a Scottish chemist from Castle Douglas in Kirkcudbrightshire who was in Ghana during the colonial days.

With little time spent between father and son, Mr Rawlings said he still felt a sense of belonging due to Madam Agbotui.

“When you have a mother like Ms Agbotui, there is no void. No, no, ummm, ummm!” he said. “Eiiii! Aunty Vic. No, no!”

Mr Rawlings further recalled his first meeting with his father.

“It is only the driver who will drive over once in a while to see my mother. But I remember the day my mother took me to go and meet him. Of course, he had black hair at that time. He was the boss at Kingsway Chemist,” he narrated.

Besides Madam Agbotui, Mr Rawlings sees his older brother as an idol.

“I had a brother who was 10 years older. My great hero. I didn’t know he was my hero until he died and was lying in the casket when it hit me that my man…”

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