
Nana Addo is a liar, a dishonest man – A Plus

Source The Ghana Report/ Aba Asamoah

Musician cum social commentator and sympathizer of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Kwame Asare Obeng, popularly known as A Plus has described the President as a dishonest man.

According to A Plus, his description of the President as a dishonest man is apt taking into consideration the failure of Nana Akufo-Addo to deliver on his promises to the electorate.

“Akufo Addo’s upbringing allows me to tell him that he lied to Ghanaians and is very dishonest and he will not get angry. He knows what it means. He knows It is not an insult. He knows I will never ever in my entire life insult or disrespect him. But he knows that I’m not like the bootlickers and conformists he has surrounded himself with”.

Commenting on how the kidnapped Takoradi girls’ case ended without any security official owning up to the lapses in the sequences of events, A Plus said the President should crack the whip by sacking the acting Inspector General of Police and the Criminal Investigations Department boss for failing the country.

“How can you work with people like these, you sit without doing anything, Nana Addo is a disappointment, I swear…. we cannot give this country to you and you sit without doing anything.

“Some of us believed in Nana Addo’s dream and that is why we were following him; you think we were following him for following sake……. now you come and tell us nobody should talk in this country again”? he quizzed.

A Plus said the manner in which the Police Service handled the kidnapped Takoradi girls was not the best and therefore requires that some heads are relieved of their duties.

“We have lost our values as a country; people do not speak the truth anymore……you tell us you know where the girls are, few months later you come and tell us they are dead and everybody is quite” he said.



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