
National Cathedral must be completed – Tourism Minister-designate

Source The Ghana Report

The Minister-designate for Tourism, Arts and Industry, Andrew Egyapa Mercer, has stressed the need to complete the National Cathedral, which has been a subject of controversy.

The construction of the National Cathedral has garnered significant attention since it was first announced by President Nana Akufo-Addo in 2018.

While the construction is ongoing, the project has not been without its share of controversy, most notably, the recent resignations of several prominent clergy members from the Board of Trustees.

Also, questions of accountability and the project’s relevance in the face of the country’s economic crisis have been repeatedly raised by the Minority in Parliament.

Critics say even though they recognise the need to honour God, the timing of the project was not prudent since it was a personal pledge by the President to God.

But commenting on the issue before Parliament’s Appointment Committee on Tuesday, March 5, the minister-designate, emphasized the considerable state investment already dedicated to the project.

“I will entreat [Parliament] to support the project because obviously, some funding has gone in there. We cannot allow it to sit the way it’s sitting. And so, if I have an opportunity to make a presentation to you [parliament], I’ll do so. I will urge the support of all, especially our colleagues on the minority side to support the completion of the project,” he said.

Mr Mercer believes the National Cathedral when completed will be a huge income generation for the country and attract tourists.

He also dismissed assertions branding it as the world’s most expensive hole, adding that such portrayals fail to recognize its broader national significance.

“While we may not have unlimited resources, substantial funding has been allocated to the project, and I believe it is imperative for its completion. The notion that it is the world’s most expensive hole is not acceptable. It stands as a national asset in its current state and must be finalized, in my opinion,” he added.

It will be recalled that President Akufo-Addo on February 14, announced a major shake-up of the ministers forming the government, with the notable person being removed from office being Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta.

President Akufo-Addo also axed Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Ibrahim Awal Mohammed.

Mr Egyapa Mercer and four others will face Parliament’s Appointment Committee, today, Tuesday, March 5, as part of the vetting process.

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