
NCCE fights coronavirus with sensitization at Sekyere South

The Sekyere South District Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has organized an educational programme for commercial transport operators, traders and others to tackle the deadly coronavirus.

The Sekyere South District Director of NCCE, Mr Evans Nunoo, who was the resource person enumerated significant precautionary measures to ease the spread of the coronavirus that has infected 16 people in the country, with three of the patients from the Ashanti Region.

He advised the public against bodily contact, including handshakes and hugs. He implored participants to desist from frequently touching their eyes, nose and mouth. The need for regular handwashing with soap under running water or frequent use of hand sanitizers were highlighted.

Mr Nunoo encouraged the practice of respiratory hygiene, including covering the mouth and nose with bent elbows or tissues when coughing or sneezing. Operators of restaurants and chop bars were advised against indiscriminate use of tissue and napkins.

The target groups were purposely selected because they deal with a number of people daily despite the government’s directive against mass gathering and adoption of social distancing.’

Most traders leave home very early and come home late, depriving them of access to major news bulletins and educational content on the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

Commercial vehicles could also serve as a conduit for spread, hence the campaign in the district in towns such as Agona Ashanti, Tano Odumasi, Aamanso, Beomase, and Bipoa.


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