
EC sued over one-day registration exercise

NDC drags EC to court over mop-up registration

The Electoral Commission has been sued by the opposition National Democratic Congress over it plans to organise another registration exercise.

The NDC maintains the one-day registration exercise is in breach of the country’s electoral regulations.

Eligible voters who could not participate in the mass registration exercise organized earlier this year due to the closure of the borders have been given a one day window to have their names captured in the electoral roll on Thursday, October 1, 2020.

In a writ seen by theghanareport.com, the NDC explained that the commission has not published in the gazette the 21 days’ notice of the planned exercise in accordance with the law governing elections in Ghana.

But the NDC is among other things seeking from the court;

“A declaration that the Electoral Commission has acted ultra vires in its attempt to reopen and/or conduct registration of voters scheduled for Thursday 1st October 2020 when the Electoral Commission has not caused to be published in the Gazette, twenty-one (21) days’ notice of this voters registration to the political parties and the general public;” the NDC averred in its statement of claim”.

The party is challenging the power of the EC to reopen the register for persons who could not register earlier.

It wants the court to grant an injunction on the EC restraining it from reopening the register without first gazetting it.

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