
No Immigration Officer Should Prevent A Nurse From Traveling Abroad- GRNMA President

The President of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA) has told immigration officers never to prevent any nurse or midwife seeking to move out of the country.

Ms. Perpetual Ofori-Ampofo, the President of the Association, said it is legal for any nurse or midwife who has a valid passport, visa, and traveling ticket to move to any country of his or her choice.

She noted that some nurses are being requested to submit their proof of resignation before they are given immigration clearance to travel.

She urged the immigration officers to stop those intimidations at the borders.

“If I have my passport, I have a visa and I have my ticket to travel and I am going through immigration, no immigration officer has any right to ask me for my resignation letter or any of such, it doesn’t work that way”.

“People should not use any such means to intimidate our nurses and midwives who may be traveling, we are all Ghanaians and we all seek to live better lives. How I choose to do it is my decision”, Ms. Ofori-Ampofo noted in an interview with TV3.

Madam Perpetual highlighted that the mass movement of nurses to developed countries is a result of the poor treatment meted out to them.

She said health workers are being paid poorly in Ghana so the next step to make as a trained nurse or midwife is to look somewhere else where the profession is valued.

  1. Singular, God Creator, Menorah, Sovereign, Lord, Her Majesty, King Queen Elizabeth, says

    Good Morning GRNMA President, i congratulate you for Wisdom a bit you are using to support nurse and hospital staff
    Questioon: what about the hospital staff no matter position of office?
    2. is it necessarily resignation before taking a travel, Nurses May still render service from abroad down ward based on interest.
    3. thank you for Your Hard work but allow nurses to after period of years to still further study above their knowledge be it young or old. plan project for it
    4. hospital staffs must engage nurses, doctors and all staffs within month fasting for the hospital patience to save life some are not Medicine or Hospitalize issues some are fasting and prayer to break for the patient, God will listen to some of the hospital staff to break
    5. Medicine injected or Given to the Patience sometimes are not Medicine they are spiritually evil which worsen the case of the patience to death
    6 Nurse, Doctors and all Hospital Staff means : Saving Lige and GRanting New Life to the Person Through God and Through Physical taking care of in times of Sickness
    7. Hospitals should therefore based their works in Fasting and Prayer in God in grouth each month different groups fast and pray, to liberate the patience from sickness and death
    In conclusion and not in conclusion i want group to be set by the president and head of staffs for fast and prayer each months. it should be 7 in each group each month after a group the next month should be another group it should be interchanging even to the final lowest position holders

    therefore: this information should be gathered, disseminated and decentralize to all hospital across Ghana to the topical villages and across the whole world

    i therefore urge the GRNMA President

  2. God Creator, Menorah, Sovereign Lord, Singular, Her Majesty, King Queen Elizabeth, The Presidency of Ghana, World Baron Imperial says

    Good Morning GRNMA President, i congratulate you for Wisdom a bit you are using but some things are left out a bit that is while i said wisdom a bit forgive my speech, to support nurse and hospital staff. Again Forgive me if it offend you for saying a bit of wisdom

    Question: what about the hospital staff no matter position of office?
    2. is it necessarily resignation before taking a travel, Nurses May still render service from abroad down ward based on interest.

    3. thank you for Your Hard work but allow nurses to after period of years to still further study above their knowledge be it young or old. plan project for it

    4. hospital staffs must engage nurses, doctors and all staffs within month fasting for the hospital patience to save life some are not Medicine or Hospitalize issues some are fasting and prayer to break for the patient, God will listen to some of the hospital staff to break

    5. Medicine injected or Given to the Patience sometimes are not Medicine they are spiritually evil which worsen the case of the patience to death

    6 Nurse, Doctors and all Hospital Staff means : Saving Life and Granting New Life to the Person Through God and Through Physical taking care of in times of Sickness

    7. Hospitals should therefore based their works in Fasting and Prayer in God in group each month different groups fast and pray, to liberate the patience from sickness and death
    In conclusion and not in conclusion i want group to be set by the president and head of staffs for fast and prayer each months. it should be 7 in each group each month after a group the next month should be another group it should be interchanging even to the final lowest position holders

    therefore: this information should be gathered, disseminated and decentralize to all hospital across Ghana to the topical villages and across the whole world

    Please dont rush much in planning projects, take time fast and pray and keep asking God to direct you how He want the project to be done in order to achieve a legend success

    i therefore urge the GRNMA President

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