
Obour demands late father’s autopsy report

Former President of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), Bice Osei Kuffour (Obour), is demanding for his late father’s autopsy report from the Accra Regional Hospital.

The “Konkontibaa” hitmaker through his lawyers has demanded the report to settle issues surrounding the death of his father, Nana Osei Boansi Kuffour, the late Oyokohene of Juaso in the Ashanti Region.

In a letter sighted by theghanareport.com, Smith & Adelaide, lawyers for Obour, served the Chief Executive Officer of the Greater Accra Regional Hospital to carry out the necessary post-mortem to determine the cause of death.

“Obour didn’t disclose possible Covid-19 status of his father”–Ambulance Service

“If the medical facility is not in the position to undertake the autopsy within the shortest possible time, their client [Obour] will offer to contract an independent medical officer to undertake the autopsy, subject to the safety measures and regulations governing such procedures,” the letter read.

This development comes after reports alleging that Obour,who is currently aspiring for the NPP Parliamentary seat at Asante Akyem South, allegedly hid his father’s travel history,therefore, endangering the lives of health professionals at the hospital in a possible positive case of coronavirus.

Reports say his father died of the deadly novel coronavirus.

Obour’s father has died of coronavirus

Obour denied all the allegations and released a statement to give details of proceedings at the hospital.

Below is a statement released by the artiste on his father’s death:

With sadness and a heavy heart, I announce the death of Nana Osei Boansi Kuffour my biological father.

Nana returned from the UK on 19th March after his yearly visit to the family. Upon his return,, he was fine but began coughing on Sunday 22nd.

We arranged for his blood sample to be tested and he tested positive for malaria. We began treatment for malaria, but his condition got worse.

We arranged to bring him to Accra to be tested for COVID-19 at Ridge Hospital on Wednesday. They informed us that his report will be ready on Friday but we should keep him in quarantine, which we did.

On Thursday night he had extreme difficulty with breathing, so we called the Ambulance service and informed them of his condition.

We told them the patient has tested for COVID 19 and awaiting his results so they should come along with appropriate apparel.

The ambulance team took him to Ridge Hospital around 11 pm on Thursday March 26. We informed the health team at Ridge of his condition and also informed them he had earlier taken a test for COVID-19 and awaiting results.

Late this afternoon, the Dr informed us that he is likely to be a confirmed COVID-19 case and as such we should take steps to do a contact trace and quarantine ourselves. Sadly, he passed on this evening.

Under the circumstances, I understand nobody can come over to pay their respects and commiserate with our family as we are all on a 14 Day quarantine though I and my assistant who had close contact with him have both tested negative for COVID 19 as at today 27th March.

These are the true facts about my father’s demise.

Bice Obour Osei Kuffour

  1. Officer Torro says

    By the 19th of March, people were tested and quarantined on arrival at KIA. So how did the late Nana Kuffour get home amid theses measures at the airport? A little discipline could have averted all this sorrow. Corruption at KIA killed the man. This behaviour at our boarders, if not stamped out, will see lots and lots of us infected and killed by this virus. Shame unto the Government of Ghana, shame unto the Ghana Immigration Services and shame unto all those flouting these simple guidelines that guarantee our collective safety. We are all witnessing how undisciplined and recalcitrant we are even in the face of death staring us in our faces.

    1. Anonymous says

      Beautifully composed! I can’t agree more!

    2. Sammy says

      The compulsory quarantine begun on the 22nd of March. It should have begun earlier tho.

  2. Ben Baidoo says

    This is a publicity stunt. He fucked up and now wants to make this publicity crap. What is the urgency for the autopsy report? We are seriously fighting the virus and don’t have time for this stupidity

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