
Ofori-Atta presents 2020 budget statement today

Source The Ghana Report/Gloria KAFUI Ahiable

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta presents the 2020 budget statement and economic policy in Parliament today.

The budget presentation is scheduled to start exactly 10am, comes amid threats by the Minority National Democratic Congress (NDC) to give Ofori-Atta a vote of no confidence.

Also, there have been many calls by different organizations, institutions, and other individual groups to factor their outfits in the budget to be presented.

Information Minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah has hinted that the 2020 budget statement will provide details on the completion and sustainability of government’s flagship programmes.

Government’s flagship programmes include free SHS policy, one district one factory, one village one dam, one million one constituency among others.

The Ghana Report has also gathered that the budget Statement would spell out how Ghana for the first time would self-finance its Presidential and Parliamentary elections in 2020 in fulfillment of President Akufo-Addo’s vision of a ‘Ghana Beyond Aid.’

As 2020 marks an election year, various stakeholders, especially civil society organizations and policy think tanks are hoping to hear how the Akufo-Addo government would ensure fiscal discipline in 2020.

The Ghana Report will keep you updated on happenings on the floor of Parliament.



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