
One shot dead, another injured after landguards invade Obengman

One person has been shot dead and another has been hospitalized after landguards reportedly invaded Obengman in the Ga South Municipality of the Greater Accra region.

The landguards from Ngleshie Amanfrom reportedly attacked community members on Wednesday afternoon.

Addressing the media, the residents said they had enjoyed peace all these years until landguard activities started in the area.

They said Wednesday’s attack was on the back of fierce resistance against the sale of land in the area after several failed attempts.

The farms of some residents have allegedly been destroyed by an estate agency that is claiming ownership of the area.

The aggrieved farmers are calling for swift government intervention to resolve the situation.

The chief of Obengman, Nii Obeng, has expressed fear that a volatile situation may occur in the coming days, considering the threats from landguards and sand-winning activities in the area.

He said surrounding villages risk extinction and the livelihoods of many are on the verge of collapse.

Nii Obeng called on the police to, as a matter of urgency, intervene to restore law and order to the area.

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