
Onua TV/FM sues NMC over alleged “politically tainted harassment”

Source The Ghana Report

Management of Onua TV/Onua FM has filed a perpetual injunction application against the National Media Commission (NMC) at the High Court in Accra.

The application is seeking to restrain the NMC from taking any steps that adversely seek to impact on the media operations of the company and its associates.

The management is alleging that the “conduct of the NMC in refusing to give the stations an opportunity to be heard before imposing sanctions on them is a breach of the law and of natural justice”.

The station is also accusing the NMC of numerous attempts to use its constitutionally mandated office to harass OnuaTV and OnuaFM.

In a statement dated November 29, 2023, the management said it finds the actions of NMC “unconstitutional and against the principles of natural justice and, therefore, filed a case in court to stop the Commission from further harassing the two stations”.

This comes after the NMC issued a final warning to Captain Smart, the lead host of ‘Onua Maakye’ and Onua Radio/TV over an inciteful broadcast.

The Commission, in a statement dated Tuesday, November 14, asked the station to withdraw the inciteful comments and apologize to the Ghanaian public by November 19, 2023.

Below is the full statement by Onua TV/FM

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