
OSP petitions CJ to remove Judge in Cecilia Dapaah’s Case

Source The Ghana Report

The Office of the Special Prosecutor has petitioned Chief Justice Gertrude Torkornoo to remove the judge presiding over Cecilia Abena Dapaah’s case.

The Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng wants Justice Edward Twum removed from all cases involving the OSP pending before him.

The basis for this request is the OSP’s well-founded belief that the trial judge exhibits bias against both the OSP and the Special Prosecutor himself.

As a result of this perceived bias, the OSP has expressed its inability to reasonably participate in proceedings before Justice Edward Twum.

Meanwhile, the OSP is scheduled to move its application regarding the seizure of money found in Cecilia Dapaah’s home, suspected of being tainted property.

The court had approved an abridgement of time request by the lawyers of Mrs. Dapaah to have the application moved forward.

They argued that the seizure of the money and the freezing of their client’s account had caused and is causing her hardship, stress, and embarrassment.

Ms Dapaah’s court hurdles began when seven persons, including her house help, were hauled before the court for stealing $1 million,  €300,000, and other valuables from her residence.

Below is the latest post from the OSP.

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