
OSP revokes freezing order on 5 bank accounts of Cecilia Dapaah

Source The Ghana Report

The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) has decided to lift the freezing order on five bank accounts belonging to former Sanitation Minister Cecilia Abena Dapaah.

A statement released by the OSP clarified that the freezing order remains in effect for Ms. Dapaah’s other bank accounts and financial assets.

It will be recalled that Special Prosecutor Kissi Agyebeng initiated an investigation in July 2023 concerning suspected corruption and corruption-related offenses related to significant sums of money and valuable items allegedly involving Madam Dapaah.

To aid the investigation, the Special Prosecutor issued a freezing order covering Ms. Dapaah’s bank accounts and other financial assets.

However, subsequent progress in the investigation led to the exclusion of five of her bank accounts from suspicion of being tainted property.

Ms Dapaah’s court hurdles began when seven persons, including her house help, were hauled before the court for stealing $1 million,  €300,000, and other valuables from her residence.

Below is a statement to that effect.

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