
Passage of Anti-gay bill will exacerbate hatred and fear in Ghana – UNAIDS

Source The Ghana Report

The Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Dr. Winnie Byanyima, has expressed deep concerns over the passage of the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Bill in Ghana.

The bill commonly known as the anti-gay bill which criminalizes and prohibits LGBT activities, was passed on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, after nearly three years of deliberation.

It imposes a prison sentence of up to three years for anyone convicted of being identified as LGBTQ+.

It also imposes a maximum five-year jail term for forming or funding LGBTQ+ groups.

The passage has sparked a lot of conversation and criticism from various quarters, and civil society including the Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), and the United States ambassador.

Dr. Byanyima pointed out that while the bill has not yet become law, its potential enactment could exacerbate hatred, and fear, and incite violence among Ghanaians which could impede access to life-saving services.

She warned that the legislation might undermine social protection and hinder Ghana’s developmental progress, affecting fundamental liberties such as freedom of speech, association, and movement.

She argued that the bill could have severe repercussions on various fronts, including its adverse impact on the fight against AIDS and the overall jeopardization of public health.

The statement highlighted the potential harm that such legislation could cause to individual freedoms and the broader efforts to combat health challenges.


Read the full statement below


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