
”Pay us or face our wrath” – Private Health Facilities to NHIA

Source The Ghana Report

The Private Health Facilities Association of Ghana (PHFAoG) has threatened to picket at the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) over the debt owed to them.

The Vice President of the Association, Samuel Boakye Donkor, said they have served notice that if the Authority fails to pay the debt they will besiege the facility in protest from March 2, 2023.

He disclosed that their members from all 16 regions would participate in the picketing until they were paid all outstanding debt.

According to Mr. Donkor, some of their members have sold their properties to pay for loans which further plunged them into debt.

“Enough is enough now. We are fighting for our lives. Our businesses are on the verge of failing. We will not be frightened by any threat. We are owed money and need it returned. We will not be scared by any form of intimidation.”

It alleged that for months, no health facility on the NHIA has been reimbursed for services rendered amidst the prevailing economic hardship.

Dr. Kwame Buabeng-Frimpong, President of PHFAoG had earlier said the NHIA had many times failed to honour its obligations in paying claims within three months of submission, which affected the day-to-day operations of facilities.

“Many patients who visit private health facilities are registered on the insurance scheme, which creates financial crisis on the operations of facilities,” he said.

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