
PHOTOS: Revellers throng beaches on Boxing Day

Source The Ghana Report/Sefanam Agbobli

Thousands of revellers on Thursday thronged beaches in Accra to mark this year’s Boxing Day.

Popular beaches such as the Kokrobite, Bojo and  La Pleasure were packed with revellers who had travelled far and near.

While some were there to watch the waves pound the shore, others came to swim their stress away. Yet still, some just wanted to have fun.

The party folks partook in fun games, especially swimming and horse riding.

A visit by theghanareport.com to the La Beach showed people clad in bright and beautiful beach wears to mark the festive period.

At the time of the visit, hundreds of the revellers were busily drinking the day away.

All sorts of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks were sitting on tables. These were accompanied with charcoal-grilled meat popularly known as khebab.

A police team was also on the shores patrolling the nook and cranny of the beach to ward off trouble makers.


Could this be a ‘weigh your love’ competition?
Hundreds of revelers taking a dip in the sea

A biker on a Beach motorcycle


Both males and females came together to play the popular game ‘Ampe’


And the ‘Ampe’ continued
People went on horse riding and also posed on them for pictures
The visibly anxious lady on a horse


And others couldn’t hide their joy


A beautiful couple on a jolly ride along the shores of the beach


The Ghana Police Service also patrolled the beach to ward off trouble makers


It was a moment for khebab sellers to make some money


Not forgetting the grilled guinea fowl sellers


Men playing soccer at the beach


There was water to quench thirst


Ladies at the beach


Both old and young swimming



And some pulled out their phones to capture the moment


It was a fun-filled day


These kids found love in the sand
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