
Police intensifies search for missing Lands Commission staff

The Ghana Police Service (GPS) has commenced a non-stop search for the disappearance of a member of staff of the Lands Commission in the Ashanti region, Mrs Rhodaline Amoah-Darko.

“A 24-hour team is currently working on this case and other related cases,” a statement issued and signed by the Acting Director of Public Affairs of the Ghana Police Service, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), Kwesi Ofori, on Monday, September 6, noted.

This follows the filing of a ‘Missing Person’ complaint by her husband at the National Police Headquarters on September 2, 2021.

Reports circulating about her on social media have gone viral, some of which suggest that she was picked up from work, together with a colleague by some unidentified persons to evaluate a piece of land.

However, preliminary investigations into the circumstances leading to the disappearance of Mrs Amoah-Darko by the police indicate that the lands commission did not assign Mrs Amoah-Darko on any official work.

Further information indicated that she was also not assigned with any colleague to do any work leading to her disappearance.

The police statement also noted that “no other staff of the commission or any other person linked to Mrs Rhodaline Amoah-Darko has been declared missing or found dead.”

The police have since engaged a Clinical Psychologist to provide support to the family of Mrs Amoah-Darko and her colleagues at the lands commission.

The 32-year-old left home at Gyenyase in the Ashanti Region for a business engagement on August 30 and has since not returned.

In a related development, the police have notified the public to volunteer information on the whereabouts of a 20-year-old Ayisha Haluwie Kenneth, who is also missing.

She left home at Bamahu-Wa in the Upper West Region for school at the Wa Islamic Senior High School in July and has since not returned.

The public has been urged to report any information about these two persons to the nearest police station.

Ayisha Haluwie Kunneh, missing Wa Islamic SHS student


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