
NDC Vice-Chairman dragged to court over ‘plot to cause chaos’ during Dec 7 polls


The police have processed the Vice Chairman of the National Democratic Congress, Alhaji Said Sinare, to court over an allegation that he is plotting to arm some youth to cause chaos during the December 7 polls.

Hours after he responded to a police investigation, the former Ghana Ambassador to Egypt and Saudi Arabia, has been charged with a crime which details the police are expected to give in court.

He is to appear before the Kaneshie District Court today (Thursday), October 29, 2020.

The police had summoned Alhaji Sinare following reports that the NDC Ayawaso North Constituency Chairman, Tahiru Ahmed, had informed the police that Ahaji Sinare had supplied guns to some youth to unleash mayhem during the election.

On Thursday, the former diplomat reported to the Accra Regional Police where he is being interrogated about the allegations.

Mr Ahmed, according to reports, allegedly handed over to the police an AK-17 and a pump-action as evidence of the arms the NDC Vice-Chairman offered to cause trouble during the country’s eighth presidential and parliamentary elections.

But Alhaji Sinare had denied the allegations.

He claimed it could be sour grapes as the NDC Constituency Chairman was an employee he sacked a month ago.

“He [Ahmed Tahiru] is the Ayawaso North constituency chairman. He is my boy and I groomed him. He is my employee, and he has been working for me for the past 8 years and I fired him exactly about five weeks ago because of so many reasons. That blackmail will never work because I am a very clean person with a good track record. I am not going to cause mayhem anywhere; I have been preaching peace everywhere I go.

“I don’t own an AK-47. I don’t even know where this guy got the AK-47 but the pump-action gun is my pump-action gun that has been registered. I reported to the police that my pump-action gun has been missing some few months back. I have got an extract of that report so at the end of the day, I will be cleared because that guy, that constituency chairman must be caught, and they must put him behind bars, and they must find out from him how he got the AK-47,”  he told Citi News.

On Thursday, the Daily Guide reported that sources within the NDC’s leadership had indicated that Mr Sinare has accused Tahiru Ahmed of working against the interest of the party.

Mr Sinare is said to have written a letter to the Chairman of the NDC stating that “According to his accusations filed with the police and the AK 47 gun produced, I gave him those guns to be used in the Northern Region during the national elections on the 7th December 2020 to intimidate NPP voters.”

Sinare a former diplomat claimed that party constituency chairman could only be a mole working against the NDC’s interest.

His letter further stated that “It is my prayer that disciplinary procedures are immediately initiated against him and excluded from party strategies.”

Alhaji Sinare is the second member of the NDC’s national executive to be accused of fomenting trouble ahead of the December polls.

Currently, the party’s National Chairman, Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo, is being tried by an Accra High Court over a leaked tape in which he alleged to have incited party members against the EC.

Mr Ofosu-Ampofo and the NDC’s Communications Officer of the party, Anthony Kwaku Boahe, are standing trial for conspiracy to assault a public officer and conspiracy to cause harm.








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