
NDC demo turns violent at EC head office

Hundreds of supporters of the National Democratic Congress have stormed the Electoral Commission’s head office demanding that the commission declare John Mahama as the President-elect.

They were dressed in red and black attire, wielding sticks, and placards with various inscriptions on them.

But what started as a peaceful protest turned violent when the supporters blocked the Accra-Kanda section of the road and set lorry tyres ablaze.

Since election results were declared last Wednesday, the NDC has impugned fraud and signalled its intention to use legitimate means to challenge the results.

The party has so far indicated it would be going on demonstrations whiles insiders also say the party is gathering evidence to proceed to court.

On Thursday, the supporters marched to the EC Head Office to demand the election results are turned to favour their candidate, former President John Mahama who described the election result as fictional.

The protesters burnt tyres, pelted the security personnel with stones, and blocked roads leading to the office.

Reports indicate that a supporter shot at a police van which compelled the police to fire rubber bullets and warning shots in response.

A team of a joint police and military personnel dressed in full riot gear were deployed to the scene.

They mounted barricades and prevented the angry supporters access to the EC premises.

The situation caused gridlock around the EC Head Office at Ridge in Accra.

It is the second time the NDC supporters are massing up at the EC office. On December 9, hundreds of NDC supporters stormed the commission’s office, demanding the EC announce the result of the elections.

The EC declared the incumbent President Nana Akufo-Addo the winner in the December 7 polls.

The NDC’s presidential candidate, former president John Mahama, has alleged electoral fraud in the polls.

John Mahama lost to the incumbent and NPP Presidential candidate Nana Akufo-Addo by a difference of 517,231 votes.

Mr. Mahama polled 47.30% against the declared winner’s 51.30%, a percentage difference of about 4%.

  1. Piero says

    The police should not hesitate to gun down few stubborn supporters of NDC. We need only peaceful people in Ghana.

  2. Gana money says

    It surprises me that all awhile among all these protesters, you won’t see the Candidate or the MPs among them ..They are hiding and instigating the low level citizens to do all these and at the end some will be shot dead. Meanwhile their wards are not even in Ghana. Ghanaian please let reason. While live your Work and Go put yourself in deaf trap.

  3. Anonymous says

    So is the former president Mahama still gets his benefits as a former president? This man should think of what he doing to a country that is taking care of him. He must reason well

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