
Refund excess illegal dialysis fees to affected patients – Minority to Korle-Bu

Source The Ghana Report

The Minority in Parliament has asked the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) to refund excess fees collected from dialysis patients at the hospital’s Renal Unit.

The increment of dialysis for kidney patients from GH₵380.00 to GH₵765.42 dominated headlines and discussions on social media on September 27, 2023.

The Public Relations Officer(PRO) of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Mustapha Salifu insisted that the increment was needed to avoid shutting down the unit.

However, the hospital’s management rescinded the decision.

A statement from the management said any proposed fee will be forwarded to Parliament through the Ministry of Health for approval before it is implemented.

A statement signed by the Ranking Member of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Health, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, said, the hospital should go beyond the statement and refund the “illegal” fees to the affected patients.

“The Minority in Parliament demands that with immediate effect the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital refunds the excess illegal fees it levied on dialysis patients at the outpatient department of its Renal Unit.

“Refunds in terms of cash or an offer to provide dialysis services to offset the difference between the original and adjusted prices is the right thing to do and will go a long way to demonstrate to patients that the hospital is sensitive to their plight and is willing to do right by them,” the Minority said.

The Minority also called on the government to consider working assiduously to ensure equitable distribution of health equipment.

“In conclusion, we would like to call on the government to consider working assiduously to ensure equitable distribution of health resources and equipment such as dialysis machines across the country.”

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