
Snub MCC, they can’t instruct us – Kwabena Donkor urges Gov’t

Source The Ghana Report/Sefanam Agbobli

Former Power Minister, Dr. Kwabena Donkor has defended government’s decision to abrogate the controversial Power Distribution Services (PDS) agreement.

It comes after it emerged that the Millennium Challenges Corporation (MCC) ordered the government of Ghana, through the finance ministry, to reinstate PDS to their original position as managers of Ghana’s power sector.

The letter stated that the reinstatement was the only condition under which Ghana can attract the remaining 190 million dollars of the compact money.

But Dr. Kwabena Donkor is urging Ghana not to succumb to the commands of the USA’s Millennium Challenge Corporation at the detriment of the laws of Ghana.

Speaking in an interview on Tuesday, the former minister said Ghana is a sovereign state and therefore, cannot be instructed by another state to take decisions against its will.

Government in a letter dated October 18, 2019 to the MCC announced its intention to terminate the PDS agreement which saw PDS take over the management of Ghana’s major power distribution company, ECG.

This was after investigation by government revealed some irregularities in the payment guarantees presented by the company.

The decision has however not gone down well with the US government which has threatened the government of  Ghana to reverse its decision by October 30 or face the consequences of its decision.

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