
State Enterprise Commission to be replaced

Government will soon collapse the State Enterprise Commission and replace it with State Interest and Governance Authority (SIGA).

The move will also see the dissolution of the Divestiture Implementation Committee.

This is believed to create a central point for all state agencies to receive approval for all their operations.

The Executive Director for the State Enterprise Commission, Steven Asamoah Boateng told Starr Business’ Osei Owusu Amankwaah that the new body will enhance efficiency of State companies.

“It will cure a lot of multiplicity on monitoring. You have a lot of agencies monitoring our State enterprises so sometimes information is lying everywhere and it depends on where you pick information and it’s all in bits and pieces. You need to bring all together so that the shareholder will have a fair idea on return of investment,” he noted.

Mr. Boateng added: “At the end of the day it is government money; it is public purse, it is the taxes that we pay that has gone into creating these businesses; ECG, GPHA … these are public institutions so that there is better management of operation so that they can return our investment back to us through dividend and other activities.”

He revealed that the new body will also focus on ensuring that service delivery of state enterprises is monitored constantly to the benefit of customers.

“Like ECG apart from making profit they are supposed to serve us so their service delivery must be strengthened,” Mr. Boateng said.

The bill to form the State Interest and Governance Authority is currently before cabinet and is expected to be sent to parliament in October and likely to receive ratification by December 2018.


source: starrfmonline

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