
Supporters of Muntaka and Masawudu clash at Asawase NDC primaries

Source The Ghana Report

A scuffle broke out between the supporters of Muntaka Mubarak and his contender, Masawudu Mubarick, in the ongoing presidential and parliamentary primaries of the National Democratic Congress(NDC) at Asawase.

The scuffle reportedly started after supporters of the incumbent MP, Muntaka Mubarak, alleged that some supporters of Masawudu Mubarick booed at the Asawase MP, who was leaving the centre after casting his vote.

This resulted in a brief but intense fighting between both parties at the polling station.

However, the quick intervention of officers of the Ghana police at the scene prevented the situation from escalating further.

Meanwhile, calm has been restored, and the delegates are back casting their votes.

There had been a series of allegations from the camps of the candidates before the polls on Saturday.

Muntaka Mubarak took legal action against 11 NDC branch executives in the Asawase constituency for spreading defamatory comments about him.

The remarks were circulated through various media outlets and deemed libellous against the MP.

A Kumasi High Court had ordered the defendants and other media organizations that published the defamatory material to retract the comments and issue an unqualified apology in a national newspaper.

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