
Tell your story, get help; a revolution in crowdfunding

Africa, the most youthful continent on the planet is not lacking in business ideas and creativity neither does it lack human capital. They abound.

But oftentimes, human lives, potentials, and businesses are lost due to the lack of funding.

Lives are lost and start-ups suffocate without the oxygen of funding.

Sometimes, all it takes for a poor student to go to school, a dying mother to receive much-needed surgery is an audience of kind-hearted strangers to hear their stories and lend a helping hand.

Normally, in less than five years, an overwhelming number of start-ups die.

But thanks to a new intervention, lives will be saved and brilliant ideas don’t have to remain ideas.

They can come alive, survive, break through, and grow into a gripping story of success that inspires others to work hard and preserve.

That intervention is Aidhub Africa, an online crowdfunding community platform where needy individuals and driven entrepreneurs can meet funders and make a business case for much-needed finances.

It is a Ghanaian-owned platform for serious conversations about your business ideas and initiatives and a wowed crowd could be the difference between the start-up that died and the idea that survived.

Tell your story and get help.

In Africa, they say it takes a whole community to raise a child. If it is true for a child, it is true for a business idea.

Aidhub Africa will be launched virtually on Monday, April 12, 2021.

Potential users can access the platform through www.aidhubafrica.org

About Aidhub Africa

Aidhub Africa is an online community crowdfunding platform that permits members to raise funds to fulfil their dreams of starting, running, and growing their own businesses, to get projects started, or to raise funds for charitable projects.

Aidhub Africa allows individuals, groups, and organizations “Campaign Creators” to list campaigns and raise funds through experiences, donations, and/or services “Rewards” to new and existing Aidhub Africa members “Campaign Supporters”.




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