
The social democrats to look out for in the 2020 elections

Source V. L. K. Djokoto,

When centre-right politicians assemble around a table to imbibe cocktails or fine dine, there’s only one topic that dominates the chat in drawing rooms or plush hotels in Accra these days: which opposition candidates should the sitting-government be wary of?

A substantial majority of 63 means the National Democratic Congress, the social democrats, would have to pull out all the stops to change the dynamics of parliament and secure a firm majority in parliament.

Instead of spending more time and energy than necessary tearing apart their colleague MPs, the social democrats have focused wooing businesses, trade unions and constituents whose support they so desperately need to land a victory.

It’s the voting-class, when all is said and done, who will have the final say. The candidates have already passed the primaries and received the backing of the NDC delegates. Of the 275 candidates in the race, Sam Okudzeto Ablakwa, Cassiel Ato Forson, Zanetor Rawlings and John Dumelo have done quite a lot to ingratiate themselves with constituents.

Sam Okudzeto
Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa

Sam Okudzeto is widely regarded as a candidate capable of reversing the trend of apathy in the Volta and Oti Regions. Since he entered parliament, Sam has emerged as a key legislator with a strong presence across some of the most influential political press panels. He is openly critical of policies –– notably Ghana-US military agreement.

John Dumelo

John Dumelo

The prospect of John as an MP has received mixed reactions among the public. He has bright policy ideas on agriculture that the NDC could campaign on, a plan which would delight the peasant farmers.

‘John can do a lot for the NDC. He can bring in hundreds and thousands of new members, especially from the youth, to join the party’, a party insider said. The NDC will certainly be relying on an insurgency of new members to improve their numbers at the polls in December, 2020.

But others also view him as high-risk. He has been frequently criticised about the infamous V8 scandal, an unproven allegation that has tainted his image as a covetous self-seeking politician.

Cassiel Ato Forson

Cassiel Ato Forson

Cassiel Ato Forson is the candidate the social democrats are, perhaps, the most relaxed about winning. The former deputy Minister of Finance is well placed in the contest. He is likely to win the support of the Ajumako-Enyan-Esiam constituents and, more importantly, get the grassroots of the NDC to work on his campaign.

Zanetor Rawlings    

Zanetor Rawlings

The candidate who is emerging as the favourite is Zanetor. She’s definitely on course to receive a second term as Member of Parliament for the Korley Klottey Constituency. Her campaign has so far been the slickest. A medical doctor by profession, she has used her expertise to harness a public image as a champion of health and sanitation, on the side of the youth and market women.

Her skeptics argue she a figure within the political establishment out of touch with the sentiments of the people. But even her skeptics admit her competence and diligence as a parliamentarian.

The social democrats need a domestic policy that can lure voters.  Narrow the gap between the two parties. A strong communicator leading the party could still present a threat to the government.

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