
Theatre Performance At Goethe-Institut

A theatre piece that incorporates elements of dance, music and spoken word will on Saturday October 8, be staged at the Goethe-Institut in Accra.

Titled “Be-longing”, the piece, which is the result of collaboration between Cactus Junges Theatre (Germany) and Tete Adehyemma Dance Theatre (Ghana), explores new ways of creating a genuine sense of community, partnership and belonging across cultural, geographical and social divides.

It equally makes forays into the lasting legacies of slavery and colonial exploitation and the various forms of racism experienced by Africans in Europe while telling stories of romance, resilience and new beginnings.

“Be-longing” further touches on respect and equality between men and women, visionary African entrepreneurship and the realisation that there is power in partnership within the continent of Africa and beyond.

It was first produced during the COVID-19 lockdown in Germany. Since its premiere in July 2021, the play has been in great demand throughout Germany and has been performed in several cities and towns.

The production team include Barbara Kemmler (Germany), Petra Kindler (Ireland), Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Frank Sam, Henry Nyadiah and Chief Moomen – all from Ghana, with Emmanuel Edoror and Gifty Wiafe as the cast.

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia within the Ghana partnership, Fachstelle Weltkirche Katholische Bistum Münster, Engagement Global and the Goethe-Institut in Accra are sponsoring the tour.



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