
Time for intelligent policing to deal with ‘sophisticated’ criminals – Security Expert tells IGP

Source The Ghana Report

A Security Expert with the Africa Centre for Security and Intelligence Studies (ACSIS) is asking the police administration to upgrade their training methods to ensure their personnel are equipped with the modern techniques of policing.

Mr. Paul Coonley Boateng, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for ACSIS told The Ghana Report on Wednesday that the Police Service has not seen any major shift from its training methods, a situation he says, puts criminals a step ahead of the peace officers.

The Security expert is therefore calling on the police administration to adopt Intelligence Led Policing (ILP) in order to deal effectively with modern crime.

A series of incidents is triggering this claim by the ACSIS member.

Otumfuo’s Asampohene, 46-year-old Nana Kwadwo Afodjour, was allegedly murdered on Sunday, 18th August, 2019 in the Ashanti Region.

Two police officers have also been slain at Manso Nkwanta in the Ashanti Region and Akyem Swedru in the Eastern Region respectively, between 6 p.m. on Monday, August 19, 2019 and 6 a.m. on Tuesday, August 20, 2019.

A female police officer, Agartha Nana Nabin, was also shot dead by suspected armed robbers in the Northern Region on July 30, 2019.

There has been growing concern from a cross section of the public about the security situation in the country with reports of kidnappings and murder of innocent people exacerbating their fear.

But the Security Expert says there is no cause for alarm as the country is generally safe for people to engage in their lawful acts.

Mr. Boateng said, “We are more than safe. Even in the developed countries, you would see or hear frequent news items of what is happening over there here. Can you say there is insecurity in the United Kingdom (UK)?” he queried.

Most Western nations, he emphasized, are now moving from Kent Police Model (KPM) to Intelligence Led Policing which “is one of the most important law enforcement philosophies to effectively fight crime these days in order to deal successfully with issues like terrorism, contract killing, kidnapping, ritual murder, armed robbery among others.”

The Security Expert is also asking the Ghana Police Service to pay special attention to intelligence gathering as well as form a strong collaboration with stakeholders in and outside the country’s jurisdiction.

“I would urge Ghana Police to focus on intelligence gathering and analysis; active collaboration, and sharing of information with major or key players both internally and with other state security agencies,” he stated.

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