
Tourism Authority orders closure of all beaches

The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA), has ordered the closure of all beaches in the country as part of measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

This is in line with President Akufo-Addo’s ban on the mass gathering. Despite the ban, some revellers massed up at some of the country’s beaches over the weekend.

To ensure strict compliance with the President’s directive, the GTA said it would patrol the beaches with personnel from the National Security and the Ghana Police Service.

In a statement, the authority said the closure of the beaches was indefinite.

Ghana has recorded 24 cases of COVID-19 with one death. The cases were recorded from the Grater Accra and Ashanti regions.

The government instituted some measures including the closure of all of the country’s borders, effective Sunday dawn as the country continues to record an increasing number of infections of the COVID-19.

In President Akufo-Addo’s third address to the nation in ten days, he announced a mandatory quarantine for travellers found at the borders after the closure kicks in.

He, however, added the border closures did not apply to goods and cargo.

Akufo-Addo announces closure of all borders

The President said the government had ordered 50,000 test kits, which were expected to arrive “shortly”.

The government is also mobilising more health professionals, including those on retirement, to join in dealing with a possible surge, he said.

He reiterated earlier admonitions to Ghanaians to observe personal hygiene and avoid “unnecessary contact.”

“I am pleading with each and every one of you to comply with these measures,” he said.

He explained Ghana’s five broad objectives in fighting covid-19 were to limit the infections, contain the situation, provide adequate care and limit the socio-economic impact of the global pandemic.

The government’s final objective is to use the pandemic to inspire self-reliance and local production.

Read full statement from Ghana Tourism Authority

1 Comment
  1. Joe Crazy says

    But seriously speaking must we be told this before?

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