
Treat “illogical” Myjoyonline publication with contempt – Communications Ministry

Source The Ghana Report/Gloria Kafui Ahiable

The Ministry of Communications has demanded a retraction from ‘Myjoyonline.com’ over what it describes as illogical publication suggesting that the Ministry in 2017 over spent in its Internally Generated Fund (IGF).

It is therefore demanding an immediate retraction of the said publication and an unqualified apology from ‘Myjoyonline.com’.

This response from the Ministry comes after a recent publication on ‘Myjoyonline.com’ suggesting that the Ministry overspent its 2017 budget by over GH$2 million which was not approved by Parliament.

The Ministry, in a statement signed by the Deputy Minister for Communications, George Nenyi Andah debunked such claims and urged the public to disregard it.

It noted, “It is therefore illogical for any publication to suggest and misinform the public that the Ministry in 2017 overspent in its IGF without authorization from Parliament.”

The statement goes on to explain the Ministry does not offer any paid for services and therefore does not generate any internal funds and cannot disburse something it does not guarantee.

They argued the Ministry has never been summoned before the Public Accounts Committee to respond to any matters relating to IGF as suggested in the reportage by the online portal.

The Ministry is urging Ghanaians to disregard media reports alleging otherwise and treat such publication with the contempt it deserves.


Read below the full statement


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