
U/W: REGSEC begins probe after police, military clashes

Two separate clashes between personnel of the Ghana Police Service and the Ghana Armed Forces at Wa in the Upper West Region have heightened tensions in the area.

The first incident occurred last Saturday, October 20, when a military officer yet to be identified, on guard duty at the palace of the paramount chief of the Waala traditional area, Naa Fuseini Pelpuo, beat up a police Lance Corporal and subsequently  in the full glare of a crowd that was outdooring the Frara chief of Wa.

The second incident occurred on October 23, 2018, when some police officers on patrol duty had an encounter with Captain Lisbon Matey, the commander of the Wa Airborne Force detachment.

It was a sight to behold as the police who accused the commander of taking an illegal U-turn beat him mercilessly and took his gun and vehicle to the Wa Regional Police command.

The situation has created fear in the Wa township as many residents believe there may be reprisal attacks from the two security services.

The military command is tight-lipped on the matter, but the deputy Upper West Regional Police commander ACP Peter Ndekugre confirmed the incidents to Citi news but declined to provide detailed comments saying “the regional security council has put together a four-person committee to investigate the matter.

They will present their findings after one week, and then we talk”.

There has been tensions between the military and the police in the Upper West region since the arrival of the “Operation Vanguard” team to the region.

Unconfirmed reports suggest that the police are unhappy about resource allocation for operations into mining areas in the region.

As at 7:00 pm on Friday, the REGSEC was in a crunch meeting to find an amicable solution to the impasse.


source: citinewsroom

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