
Ghanaian pregnant women seeking to give birth in US to face visa restrictions

Source theghanareport.com|Edwin Appiah
The US government has rolled out plans to stop pregnant women from seeking to gain US citizenship for their children by traveling to give birth there.
In what has been described as ‘birth tourism’ the Trump administration has planned new visa restrictions for women.
The Associated Press has reported the US State Department expects to publish the new rules Thursday.

The draft rule is “intended to address the national security and law enforcement risks associated with birth tourism, including criminal activity associated with the birth tourism industry,” a State Department spokesperson said.

Part of the new restrictions will require visa applicants to provide another convincing reason for traveling to the US.

By the US Constitution, anyone born in the US is a citizen of the land. The rule has seen the US overwhelmed with birthright citizenship.

President Donald Trump has been vociferous about plans to end birth tourism.

Critics of his plan question how the administration intends to identify a pregnant visa applicant.

Birth tourism is a profitable business in the U.S. and abroad. There are companies that charge up to $80,000 to help desperate pregnant women get citizenship for their yet-to-be-born child.

Chinese and Russian women especially travel to the US to take advantage of the opportunities for US citizenship.In Ghana, the practice has been growing among the middle-class. Politicians and political appointees have been known to travel to the US to give birth.https://www.theghanareport.com/deputy-information-minister-gives-birth-in-us/

The Center for Immigration Studies has estimated that in 2012 about 360,000 women came to the US to give birth and then left.


1 Comment
  1. V. donald says

    The US will now be making a move to curb birth tourism bu putting US visa restriction on pregnant women. People may think this is another tactic from President Trump to stop immigration but that’s not the case this time. Birth tourism in the US has been a problem of the country for a long time and just so happen that they have finally taken a leap to stop it.

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