
Volta, Western regions become latest to join COVID-19 infected regions as cases rise to 566

The Volta and Western region are the latest regions to join the COVID-19 infected regions, bringing the number of regions with infected persons to 10.

The number of infections in Volta stands at nine, while the Western Region also confirmed its first case.

Ghana’s COVID-19 case count currently stands at 566.

Nearly six out of 10 coronavirus cases are local infections as men top infection chart

This comes after the Ghana Health Service confirmed 158 new cases from what it detected in its last update.

Health authorities attributed the increasing number of cases to the ongoing enhanced surveillance exercise.

As of April 11, 2020, 11:00 pm, a total of 37,954 persons have been tested with 566 being positive for COVID-19.

The breakdown of the 566 positive cases are as follows: four have been treated, discharged and tested negative, 552 cases have been categorised as mild disease on treatment, two moderate to severe cases, none currently on ventilators and eight have died.

The website further indicated that, “Of the 566 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 292 were reported from the routine surveillance, 159 from enhanced surveillance activities and 115 from travellers under mandatory quarantine in both Accra and Tamale.”

Regional breakdown; Greater Accra has the highest number of cases with 452, Ashanti has 49, Eastern has 32, Northern has 10, Volta has 9, Upper West has 7, Upper East has 4, North East, Western and Central have one confirmed case.

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Find below the suspected COVID-19 areas in the Volta Region

  1. BS says

    Eeei! As3m aba, how did Volta region contracted the covid 19?

  2. Wisdom says

    What is happening now is very serious thing and I think we should put more measures that can help us prevent this virus from affecting us.

  3. Anonymous says

    God save us!

    1. Am Joerez says

      God, when will all this end!

  4. Anonymous says

    Please let our leaders be aware that,if they don’t stop using the medical items China brought to the country, Ghana will Soon record More than 1000 cases

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