
We can’t be blamed for suspended PNC General Secretary showing up at IPAC – EC

The Electoral Commission says it cannot be blamed for allowing suspended PNC General Secretary, Atik Mohammed, to represent the party at a meeting with political parties.

A Deputy Chairperson of the EC, Dr Bossman Asare, explained to theghanareport.com,  the EC does not choose who represents a political party during Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meetings.

“When we do a meeting, we write to General Secretary, we don’t write to an individual,” he said.

The PNC has been fuming at the EC, accusing it of blocking its National Chairman, Bernard Mornah, from representing the party at the IPAC meeting held March 25, 2020.

Atik Mohammed, suspended in 2017, was already there to represent the party.

All the party’s regional chairmen believe the turning away of the party leader was deliberate on the part of the EC.

“The fact that the EC decided choosing attendees to IPAC for political parties, for that matter PNC and refused entry of the National Chairman is an indictment of the highest order and a breach of the political parties laws of Ghana. Atik Mohammed was smuggled into the IPAC meeting instead of the National Chairman.

“State policemen as usual, in heavy warlike attitude and paraphernalia, blocked the National Chairman from entry through the orders of Madam Jean Mensa and Mr Bossman according to the police,” the regional party leaders have said in a statement.

Responding to the claims, a Deputy Chairperson of the EC, Dr Bossman Asare, said “the EC does not determine who represents a party.”

He indicated that the EC writes to the General Secretaries of political parties who then may detail an officer to attend a meeting.

According to him, multiple representatives from the same party are not permitted at meetings. He pointed out that “the meeting is one person for each party”.

He said the EC has been having problems with PNC representatives at IPAC meetings as different officers show up purporting to be the accredited representative from the party.

Dr. Asare wants the party to inform the EC of its officials. “They must do their homework well,” he said.

He advised the PNC to sort out their internal issues and officially inform the EC accordingly.

Below is the full statement by the PNC:

Press Release

Atik Mohammed was suspended indefinitely by NEC on July 22, 2017, of the People’s National Convention.

The attempt by some media houses to continue to engage him as the chief scribe of the party is ludicrous, worrying, and they ought to desist from perpetrating such illegality of the highest order.

Mr Jacob Amoako is the Acting General Secretary of the party and must be accorded the respect of his high office in the day-to-day administration or otherwise until NEC takes a decision to reinstate or an election is held to elect a new secretary for the position.

The PNC condemns Atik’s call for the arrest of the National Chairman of the party, Mr Bernard A. Mornah, for exercising his democratic right as enshrined in our constitution by virtue of freedom of speech.

The sudden defence of the EC by Atik Mohammed is a clear testament to the wide views of the people who say Atik is contracted to defy his conscience in consonance to issues that bother on national interest.

The fact that EC decided choosing attendees to IPAC for political parties, for that matter PNC and refused entry of the National Chairman is an indictment of the highest order and a breach of the political parties laws of Ghana. Atik Mohammed was smuggled into the IPAC meeting instead of the National Chairman. State Policemen as usual in a heavily warlike attitude and paraphernalia blocked the National Chairman from entry through the orders of Madam Jean Mensa and Mr Bossman according to the police.

Ghana is experiencing yet again the dark days of our republic. We are bedevilled with the worst form of authoritarian administration in its brazen form.

The EC and the Akufo-Addo government are bedfellows and are surreptitiously trying all means by foul to cling on to power against the backdrops of their clear show of incompetent management of the economy, corruption and unnecessary borrowing which they have nothing to show in the over three years of their poor and elephant-sized government.

Ghanaians shall rise against the wastage of our meagre resources on a frivolous new voter register to maintain a non-performing president.

We call on the Christian Council to call the arrogant and barefaced EC to order on their disrespectful posture.

We call on the Christian Council, Traditional Authorities, Civil Society Organisations, the media, and Concerned Citizens of Ghana to call Jean Mensa- and the Bossman Asare-led EC to order.

If the EC refuses to use common sense in the discharge of their duties, we the people of Ghana shall not accept their no sense.

The PNC will not be cowed into submission, and we shall resist any attempt by the christen political police to gag our National Chairman.

Arise Youth of Ghana
We can’t and shall not be muzzled by oppressors rule.

All Regional Chairmen
All Regional Secretaries

All Media Houses

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