
We Will Process 60% Of Our Raw Materials Before Exportation When I Become President – Alan

Source The Ghana Report

Independent Presidential Candidate Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen says Ghana will process 60 per cent of its raw materials when he is elected president.

According to him, the lack of value addition to Ghana’s raw materials is a major factor causing the country to lose huge sums of foreign exchange.

Value addition to raw materials would create job opportunities and boost Ghana’s economy through increased foreign exchange.

He said as an independent president, he would ensure an inclusive government that would help to propel Ghana’s development by tapping into the knowledge and experiences of persons from different backgrounds who are not necessarily affiliated with a political party.

He added that he would ensure that inflation and interest rates were brought down. Mr. Kyerematen also indicated that his government would bring down Ghana’s debt.

Mr Kyerematen said several people would like to serve in a government that is not affiliated with any political party, stressing that since he was not vying for the presidency on the ticket of any political party, he offers that neutral ground for all Ghanaians, both home and abroad to contribute to the country’s development.

Touching on some of his major political policies, the Movement for Change founder said his government would ensure the stability of Ghana’s currency, pointing out that without a stable currency, there is nothing one could do to turn the country’s economy around.

Mr Kyerematen said this in a television interview on Silver TV on Monday, October 2, 2023, as part of his campaign.

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