
We’ll comply with terms of agreement – PDS

Power Distribution Service (PDS), says it will comply with the terms of the Transaction Agreement it has with the Government of Ghana (GoG) and other partners.

The comment follows the release of a statement signed by Information Minister, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah last night announcing the suspension of the agreement between the Government, the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and the Power Distribution Service.

According the to the minister, the government discovered some breaches in the company’s obligation in the provision of Payment Securities hence the decision.

But the company has denied any wrong doing in its concession agreement with the government.

A statement issued Wednesday signed by its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Rev. Willian Hutton-Mensah emphasized the company has always acted in good faith.

“PDS wishes to state for the record that it has always acted and will continue to act in good faith at all times.” The statement read.

PDS will go through the process by complying with the terms of the Transaction Agreement executed between it and ECG on one hard and GoG through Ministry of Finance (MoF) on the other hand.” It said.

The company further stated it will not put out any information in the interest of the transaction and that of Ghana until it was furnished with the full facts surrounding the suspension.

The statement said, “PDS also wishes to assure the Ghanaian public that it will not rush to put out any information until it has been sufficiently substantiated, in the interest of safeguarding the transaction and the image of Ghana.” 

The company further assured Ghanaians of going through all the due process to ensure that the matter is resolved amicably.

 Read full statement below:

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