
We’ll resist attempts to control universities with our blood – Gyampo to govt

Professor Ransford Gyampo has reiterated university lecturers will go every length to resist attempts by government control academic freedoms by taking absolute control of universities through the councils.

It comes after the Public Relations officer of the education ministry Vincent Ekow Assafuah  reacted to his opposition to the supposed move by accusing him of seeking popularity over the matter.

“…Now, this is a draft submitted to all universities in Ghana to make their INPUTS and CONCERNS known so that, it becomes a working document for all stakeholders. It is therefore obvious that, we are just at the consultation level seeking to bring all stakeholders together and get their inputs.

So, Mr Professor, where from this allegation of totalitarianism? Remember, we are not obliged by any law to submit a draft to you before sending it to parliament for approval, however, out of good faith and humility, we see it as good practice. So may you please make your input rather your attempt of getting some fame out of this through social media? The document is right in front of you, let your voice be heard!,” the PRO of the ministry wrote.

Reacting however, the Legon lecturer said efforts by government to increase its control in the formation of the council of public universities is an affront to acaedmic freedom.

“On the draft bill, I find it insulting that you guys drafted a document that seeks to undermine our academic freedom and yet want us to discuss. That’s disrespectful. Were you thinking we weren’t going to read and scrutinize?

“You lack understanding about the concept of Representation, else you won’t tell me government doesn’t owe us a duty to submit a draft bill for our input. Read the works of Hanna Pitkin on Representation, to educate yourself about when a government, though elected, MUST consult.

“But I don’t even think the government wants to consult us. Presenting a document that grants more powers to the president to control public universities in a manner that undermines academic freedom is an effort to mock at lecturers.

“You pay us pittance and we aren’t fighting. But any attempt to undermine our academic freedom, would be responded to by speaking the only language government understand and we will fight with our blood,” he wrote on Facebook.

Source: Ghana/Starrfm.com

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