
We have been neglected – Mamponteng Chief tells Akufo-Addo

Source The Ghana Report

Traditional leaders in the Ashanti Region’s Kwabre East Constituency have expressed their dissatisfaction with President Nana Akufo-Addo and his administration over the absence of developmental projects in the area.

Despite the votes that the constituency gave the ruling NPP in the 2016 and 2020 general elections, there has not been any significant project in the area, Chief of Mamponteng, Barima Saasi Ayeboafo II lamented.

“What sin have we committed against the NPP for denying us development despite voting massively for the party?” he quizzed

According to him, the votes from the constituents do not match the development in the area.

In the 2016 presidential election, the then candidate Akufo Addo of the New Patriotic Party received 71,112 votes, representing 81.77% of the vote, while in 2020, the party received 86,000 votes, setting a national record as the constituency that provided the NPP with the most votes. The majority of the votes came from the Ashanti Region, named as the vote bank of the NPP.

However, Barima Saasi Ayeboafo II says the Kwabre East Constituency and, by extension, the Ashanti Region will vote based on development as the region has been taken for granted for far too long.

““From now onwards, we will vote based on development,” he stressed.

Addressing a press conference dubbed: “Boniaye Kai” at the Mamponteng palace, Barima Saasi Ayeboafo II said roads in the constituency have deteriorated as well as the lack of proper market facilities.

He noted that nothing had been built, not to mention the agenda 111 to construct hospitals, and school facilities promised by the president.

He said President Akufo-Addo in 2019 cut sod for the construction of road networks in the constituency at Mamponteng but was quick to add that the contractor had abandoned the roads for the past two months.

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